Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why do we...

1. Ask questions we don't want the answer to?

2. Expect things of other people we don't expect out of ourselves?

3. Let things we can't control affect our lives in a negative way?

4. Feel bad when we put ourselves first?

5. Compromise when we shouldn't and remain stubborn when we should compromise?

6. Text instead of actually speaking to a person?

7. Like reality television so much?

8. Say we are fine when we want to cry?

9. Accept things the way they are when they can be changed?

10. Think tears are a sign of weakness?

11. Apologize too much?

12. Respect people who don't respect us?

13. Keep re-electing incompetent government officials?

14. Prefer to stand by principle rather than compromise to actually get something done?

15. Refuse to use the power we have?

16. Prefer to complain rather than compliment?

17. Tolerate instead of accept?

18. Settle for yogurt when we want ice-cream?

19. Get married too young?

20. Allow ourselves to be ruled by anxiety?

21. Want to grow up so fast?

22. Like to fight and argue?

23. Let financial issues drive us crazy?

24. Pretend?

25. Keep asking questions instead of trying to find answers?

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