Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let's Have a Tea Party

So, I've been interested in the new Tea Party lately and trying to understand what they want exactly from the government. I'm trying to figure out if they even want a government at all.
Not all of them are crazy, although some may say that any group that believes Sarah Palin to be an outstanding leader nuts, some of their beliefs are valid. They just want less government and less taxes. Unfortunately, their reasons for wanting those things and their methods for achieving them aren't exactly sensible.
One problem I have with some is that they only want the government involved when it benefits them. So because most members of the tea party are white and middle aged, they don't want the government to take away their medicare and social security. But they want less taxes. What do they think pays for those programs?
I just don't understand exactly where they want the government involved. I mean, do they want the government regulating the financial industry to protect against another recession? Do they want federal funding for public education and public projects, such as constructing roads and bridges? Do they want the FDA, SEC, FTC, CIA, FBI, VA, SSA, and DEA to exist? Those are all funded by taxes. Do they still want the military because that is also funded by taxes. Do they still want their medicare? I mean, I don't think I've heard anything specific about what they want.
I've heard some crazy things, like getting rid of the Department of Education and eliminating welfare. And I know that for them, since they are mostly well off people, that welfare seems pointless but it does help a lot of people. I will say that welfare, of TANF as Clinton renamed it, does need to be reformed in a way that encourages people to find work and get off of it.
I heard a guest on NPR today talk about how we as Americans often forget our responsibility to take care of each other. We forget that our taxes are the reasons we have so many programs that many, including members of the Tea Party, would be reluctant to have eliminated. Yes, we pay a lot of taxes, but we do get things out of it. And I think people need to remember that. I think people need to remember the benefits of taxes.
Yes the government squanders our money on stupid earmark projects, politicians asking for money so they can have a library in their name built in their hometown. And I believe that is ridiculous. But our taxes do give us roads, public schools, interstates, welfare, CHIP, medicare, medicaid, social security, social security disability, WIC, food stamps, pay firefighters, policeman, and EMTs, pay members of the military to protect us and keep us safe, pay inspectors of the FDA to regulate our food industry and keep it as safe as possible, and provide money during natural disasters. The government isn't perfect, but it's all we have.
I will say not all members of the Tea Party are ridiculous. Most of them seem to have common sense. What upsets me is that if it doesn't benefit them personally, they don't want to help pay for it with their taxes. And you know what, my mom taught me to be generous and if I could give up a little to help someone in a major way, I should be willing to do it. And I don't mind paying more taxes so the single mother down the street can get her food stamps so she can take care of her children. I don't mind paying taxes so the elderly woman who worked her entire life can afford to get her medicine. I honestly don't mind. I am extremely blessed and it would be extremely selfish for me to deny someone else help when I have so much. I probably would spend that extra money, if taxes were reduced, on shoes. :)
I would really like to know more about this new movement because it seems utterly nonsensical. I'm even starting to feel sorry for incumbent Republican candidates running for office because the Tea Party is blaming them for things that aren't their fault. The Tea Party rather have people in there who will stand on their principles rather than people who will get things done and actually make positive changes. I think that is insane. I thought we elected officials into office to do things, not to stand on ideology while a state suffers from a lack of funding.
Maybe the members of the Tea Party just need a hug. It was so funny. I saw this member of the Tea Party movement on television with a sign that said "Keep your government hands off my medicare." Who do they think runs and funds medicare? THE GOVERNMENT. Sometimes they seem so out of touch with reality and stuck on ideology. They need to educate themselves on what goes on in this country. See some things that they haven't seen before, and perhaps realize that the tax money they are so desperate to hold onto is keeping someone off the street, someone fed, and given a child the opportunity to have health insurance.

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