Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Argument For Legalizing Marijuana

(This post was influenced by my new favorite television show Weeds.)
I do not smoke weed, but I believe that Marijuana should be legal. I find it ridiculous that the government can make a plant that naturally grows on this planet illegal. I understand it's what you do with it that makes it illegal, but it's like telling me I can only steam my tomatoes; I can't roast them or make them into spaghetti sauce.
Now, there have been many scientific studies saying that the effects of long term marijuana use is minimal. I mean, smoking cigarettes is much more dangerous yet those are legal. There are legal pharmaceutical drugs on the market that are more dangerous than pot and yet those are legal. You can overdose on Oxycontin; I've never heard of anyone overdosing on marijuana.
I believe the government should get out of the business of judging morality and stick to those things that really do pose a threat to people. And I'm sure the government doesn't realize the benefits to the country of legalizing marijuana.
First, most violent crime is drug related. I'm just going to make the assumption that if it is legal, the crime rate would greatly reduce. Especially in Mexico where drug cartels are killing hundreds of people in order to protect themselves. There would be no need to kill someone because they may know your involvement in a cartel if it was legal.
Secondly, marijuana sales could be taxed. The government could include it in sales tax and tax the businesses that sell it. The government is in a huge deficit and is missing out on another source of income.
Third, those who enjoy marijuana would benefit, not just because they wouldn't have to risk going to jail, but I would think the price of marijuana would go down once it became legal. So consumers would benefit from cheaper prices.
Along with that, the amount of people selling it might decrease because the amount of money a dealer could make would go down. Part of the reason dealers make so much money off of pot is because it is such a commodity. Well when you make it legal, you reduce it's value and perhaps young people would consider taking another route to make money.
Now, I have a friend who said that, despite the fact that she smokes, she doesn't believe it should be legal. She believes that people would become unmotivated and never go to work or be ambitious in their endeavors; pot makes people complacent. Well, that may be so. But you would still need money to buy pot so you would still need to work. Also, pot smokers may work harder to make more money to have more weed. And managers can still punish employees for going to work high or for having weed at work. And just because it's legal doesn't mean people are going to start smoking it who may not have otherwise. I don't know one person who doesn't have access to weed. I have access to it but I don't smoke it; my brother definitely has access to it and chooses not to.
I believe it is wrong for the government to tell you what you can or cannot do in your own home. Now, if you smoke in your house and then decide to drive, you should get in trouble. You should be arrested because your choice is now putting others in danger.
Now, in terms of other drugs, I'm not sure if I want those to be legalized. Other drugs such as cocaine, heroine, meth, and ecstasy are much more dangerous than pot. But, and I don't mean to sound insensitive and mean, but if you choose to do those drugs and possibly kill yourself, that is your choice. And neither I nor the government has the right to dictate your personal choices.
I don't truly understand the logic for making weed illegal. But I shouldn't be surprised; the government has always taken it upon itself to decide what is right or wrong morally and then make that which they deem morally reprehensible, illegal. I want the government to get the fuck out of people's houses.
So yeah, that is my argument for legalizing marijuana. I'm all for something that would reduce the amount of young black men in jail or in a cemetery. Think about it; these young men who choose to take that route could have a legitimate business that doesn't put their lives in danger everyday. Now, I'm not saying there wouldn't be any negative consequences to legalizing marijuana. Because it would no longer be a commodity, people who would normally sell weed may move on to selling dangerous drugs. Consumers may buy more dangerous drugs as a result. I'm not suggesting making it legal without thinking about all consequences, but at least consider it.
And if you aren't going to make it legal, at least decriminalize it. I find it ridiculous a drug dealer gets 25 years to life in jail because of the three strikes rule, but a rapist gets 8 years and gets out in half of that because of good behavior. We need to truly rethink our position.

1 comment:

  1. How convenient that I would pick this topic as my first comment on your blog, huh? :)

    Good point you make.

    When I think about the likelihood for addiction to substances like tobacco and alcohol coupled with the horrible affects they have on people after years of consumption: i.e... lung cancer, liver problems, kidney issues, etc...It seems to me that marijuana is no worse than what is already available to the over 18 crowd...

    I hate the government trying to act like its watching out for my best interest by not legalizing marijuana... I guess its ok to smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco, smoke cigars, and drink alcohol while destroying your vital organs...as long as you're of legal age to do so...but legalizing marijuana is tearing away at the moral fiber of america and destroying people's bodies? I think not.

    I do agree that marijuana is a gateway drug to more potent drugs, but I don't think this is a valid reason to keep it illegal because again, its a person's choice what drugs they choose to use not the government's.

    Marijuana seems so common with the majority of teens and twenty somethings that its used as if it is legal anyway...Like, who do you know that hasn't either tried weed or knows someone who has??

    At least if it were legalized, the production and distribution could be regulated by the govt...with warnings/labels/age restrictions put on by the manufacturers, etc...

    I think more energy should be focused in other places besides arresting people for weed.

    Just my two cents :)
